Rosewood Memory Care offers distinguished care for seniors in Hillsboro, OR. We are dedicated to the compassionate care of all our residents. Professionally managed and staffed by a friendly team of highly qualified individuals, we help seniors live a comfortable, active life.
Learn more about Rosewood Memory Care. Contact us today.
Rosewood Memory Care senior living community is dedicated to making your loved one feel at home in a community designed for their unique needs. Residents feel supported in a positive environment that's true to Hillsboro. Our team is committed to providing quality senior care. Call us today to schedule your personal tour of Rosewood Memory Care.
“I wanted to share my recent experience from a patio visit with my mother. As you know, there are times when she, like any dementia patient, can be the sweetest and most enjoyable person to spend time with. Then there are other times when a completely different side emerges… Mom was accusatory and angry… thought I'd taken her rings from her room… and other things.
Josie was awesome; kept directing her to other topics. I wish I could have been as gracious. It's not always easy to take all the insults and not respond, especially as I was not feeling well. After a while, Josie suggested Mom return to her room or another activity, which she did. But Josie asked me to remain behind and sat for a long time, reassuring me that this was 'one of those times' and not to take it to heart, and then kindly gave me such affirmation that we were truly doing our loving best to ensure the best care for Mom. It was hard not to cry…sometimes you do everything you can, and it still feels like falling short. Josie's words helped me value our actions more clearly.
It's not easy being a caregiver!! I'm happy to report that I've had multiple phone calls with Mom the past two days and they've all been positive. I've followed Josie's advice about changing erroneous subjects to positive ones so she doesn't 'go down the negative rabbit hole.' It has really helped. And the kind and observant things Josie shared with me two days ago gave me some healing I wasn't even aware I needed. I realize she's a young person…but she truly has the heart and soul of someone who has been doing this job for a very long time."
— Nancy
Military service in the United States is a time-honored tradition, and for centuries our young men and women have fought bravely in peace and wartime. In unique spaces within our community, we highlight and honor our service residents by asking for a Wall of Honor photo. Throughout the year, we hold celebrations, military-focused activities, and events purpose-driven for veterans.